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Looking for broccoli puns that will broc your socks off?
You’re in the right place.
As you can tell from the name of this blog (and the premise of this post, even), we’re pretty into wordplay, which we try to inject into every recipe we publish, whether we’re tackling Chinese takeout classics or other chicken, pork, beef, or vegetarian favorites.
We’ve already published a master list of Chinese food puns, and today, we have some sweet broccoli puns that will have your jaws on the floor-ette.
We hope that you find this list of broccoli puns and jokes helpful, and that our shameless broccoli pics brainwash you into trying our recipes sometime too.

Generic Broccoli Puns & Wordplay for Instagram Captions
We won’t question why you might be seeking out broccoli puns, but we’ll assume they’re probably for a punny Instagram caption or something. If that’s the case, here are some funny Broccoli-themed Instagram captions for you to steal.
We will, we will Broc you.
Broc my world, baby.
Life brocs.
Time to broccol-eat.
Feeling like a broc star.
If you don’t like broccoli, you can brocco-leave.
I loved this broccoli so much, my jaw is on the floor-et.
My love for broccoli stems from an early age.
Spent so much on veggies this month, I’m officially broke-oli.
Without veggies, I’d be a broc-en man.
If you’re not down with veggies, you can brocco-leave.
Brocco-lead the way!
I’m a natural born brocco-leader.
This dish is out of my broccoleague.
Definitely Broc my record for food intake today. Phew!

Punny Broccoli Jokes
Or if you need a broccoli-themed joke to bust out, here are some ideas that are guaranteed to get a groan or two.
What do you call a lake dwelling monster who loves veggies?
A Broc Ness monster.
Where do broccoli go to dance?
The dance floor-et.
Why was the broccoli so hard (on himself?)
He had low self e-steam.
How did the broccoli secure their new apartment?
By signing a brocco-lease.
What do you call the broccoli boss?
A broccoli-der
How did the broccoli take his dog out for a walk?
With a brocco-leash
Why did the broccoli’s boat sink?
There was a brocco-leak.

Did we miss any of your Favourite Broccoli Puns or Jokes?
Let us know in the comments so we can add more broccoli-themed wordplay to our list!